Pacific Fund
Fueling student success

The Pacific Fund enhances every area of a student's academic journey and addresses their most pressing needs. Your gift will be used where it's needed most within three focus areas: scholarships, student emergency needs, and student success. You may also give directly to one of these areas below.  

"My family and I are incredibly grateful and cannot express just how thankful we are that I am at such a supportive and generous university that truly cares about their students beyond just numbers and reputation. I even feel like the University of the Pacific is my second family, ready to help in any way, big or small."  - Pacific Student

Student Emergency Need
Helps students address immediate and unforeseen challenges, including emergency transportation, medical procedures, bill payments and basic necessities, expenses that might otherwise have brought their learning to a halt. 

Tuition Support
Ensures the university can offer financial aid to every student who qualifies. Tuition support allows talented and curious students to participate in extraordinary learning opportunities and thrive in a diverse community. 

Student Success
Provides a wide-range of resources, programs, and services that support academic success and enriches the student life experience.

Your gift to the Pacific Fund goes to work immediately to change students' lives.

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Early Participation Match
Early Participation Match
The first $20,000 in early gifts to Pacific Gives will be matched dollar-for-dollar, doubling the impact of your support. Gifts up to $100 will be matched to ensure the greatest impact across the university!
$4,745 MATCHED
Don't forget to share!

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Match your Gift dollar for dollar!