Medicare Part D Endowment

Raised toward our $50,000 Goal
265 Donors
days left
Project ends on July 31, at 12:00 PM PDT
Project Owners

Medicare Part D Endowment

You can support our pharmacy students, Medicare program and community outreach efforts through the Medicare Part D Endowment. Pharmacy students in the Medicare program serve beneficiaries by assisting them evaluate Part D prescription drug plan offerings to minimize their out-of-pocket prescription drug costs during 13-16 community-based Mobile Medicare Clinics each year. Students also provide patients with a comprehensive evaluation of all of their medications to ensure they are safe and effective to take together. During this process, student pharmacists identify medication-related issues, provide detailed medication counseling, create a personalized medication record in the patient's preferred language, perform an opioid-overdose risk assessment while distributing Naloxone (opioid overdose reversal agent) to those at-risk. Student pharmacists also present and communicate their findings with licensed pharmacist preceptors, and when necessary the patient's prescriber(s).


Over the past 13 years, 505 Medicare Part D pharmacy students have collectively:

  • Hosted clinics in 22 cities across California
  • Assisted 8,686 beneficiaries with their Part D plan through 55 community outreach events
  • Helped beneficiaries save $8.77 million in potential out-of-pocket prescription drug costs
  • Assisted >2,000 low-income beneficiaries
  • Provided assistance to >1,150 individuals in a language other than English
  • Volunteered >23,000 hours to serve Medicare beneficiaries and assist them with Part D plan optimization and/or Medication Therapy Management Services

Support Pacific's Medicare Part D Program

Your tax-deductible gift will help the School build, expand and sustain the Medicare program and its students. With your support, pharmacy students will continue to have opportunities to put classroom learning into community action while impacting the economic, clinical and quality-of-life outcomes of Medicare beneficiaries we serve.

Your generosity and donation to the Medicare Part D Endowment may be used to:

  • Support and expand the program, student-centered class activities and outreach events
  • Help offset student travel cost to conferences to present their Medicare-related research
  • Introduce new services and/or technology
  • And much more…

We have recently reached a milestone and will now have the opportunity to double our impact through a unique matching opportunity - The Powell Match. In October 2013, Pacific announced a transformational gift of $125 million from the estate of Robert and Jeannette Powell. The Powell's believed deeply in the value of a Pacific education, and a portion of their gift has been designated to fund a matching campaign for endowed programs -- like ours -- to create academic opportunity and empower students to go where promise leads them!

For more information contact Susan Webster 209.946.3116

Choose a giving level



By contributing at this level you can provide a Medicare student a second pass through the food and snacks line at an event.



Support at this level will save a Medicare student from having to complete subcommittee work into all hours of the night.



A donation of this amount will help pay for Dr. Raj Patel to come up with some new jokes to use during lecture. (He’s still using the same ones as when you were a student, and they’re still as unfunny as they were back then!)



A gift at this level will show that you can "succeed" at an “Opportunity for Excellence” and that you want to see the Medicare program continue and expand!



A donation of this amount will help ensure that we are able to continue providing our services for many years to come. You know…we’re all getting closer to the Medicare age every day!