OLLI at Pacific - Support Lifelong Learning For Lifelong Impact

OLLI at Pacific - Support Lifelong Learning For Lifelong Impact Image
Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
36 Donors
days left
Project ends on July 31, at 04:32 PM PDT
Project Owners

Support Lifelong Learning For Lifelong Impact

Every day the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at University of the Pacific is helping older adults remain active, social, healthy, and intellectually stimulated. The campus-based program offers adults a variety of courses, events, and travel options to explore, while providing ongoing social engagement with other adults.

Our community — members, donors, friends, and local residents — strengthens what we offer and our reach within the San Joaquin County area. And it is because of gifts that we continue to be a source of enjoyment for more adults each year. 

We’re launching our annual campaign - goal of $20,000 - to build an incredible year of learning. With your gift today of $100, $50 or even $25, we will strengthen the OLLI experience of lifelong engagement.  

Your gift this year will: 

  • support scholarships for new and returning members
  • strengthen the OLLI presence in a number of new communities
  • increase engagement at the latest activities and events at Pacific

Please consider making a gift to OLLI at Pacific's annual campaign! 

When we give together, we are investing in our communities and strengthening our future together. Thank you!

"OLLI has become an important part of my retirement life, and I know it will continue to be as we move forward." - Kathy

Questions about OLLI, please contact Jennifer Juanitas, Program Director, at (209) 946-7658 or by email at jjuanitas@pacific.edu. You can also visit the OLLI website here.

Choose a giving level



A gift of $50 funds a stipend for a guest lecturer.



A gift of $100 covers the cost of an OLLI at Pacific membership, provided in the form of a scholarship.



A gift of $150 pays for a monthly Zoom webinar that allows us to record our weekly lecture series to share with members while providing an enhanced learning experience.



A gift of $500 pays for local community advertising and promotions to reach potential new members, especially those who would like to participate via online distance-learning.